I can only speak for myself, but I bet that many of us have not even thought about speaking with our students concerning using good manners when commenting on that blog post, or stating opinions on social media sites. Not only do our classes need to be educated about online etiquette, or netiquette, but they have to learn to be careful about what kind of information they share online, there are many predators around. It is important for them to understand that they should never give out personal information, unless they know who they are talking to and it is someone that they can trust. It’s a scary world out there and now it is getting smaller due to the world wide web. Say hello to Digital Citizenship.

There is a wealth of information on the net to help improve digital citizenship. I’d like to share a simple acronym that I found online which your students should learn to ask themselves before posting on the web. The acronym is THINK….
T…Is it true?
H…Is it hurtful?
I….Is it illegal?
N…Is it Necessary?
K…Is it kind?
References and Web-links
Acronym Think…https://www.iste.org/explore/articledetail?articleid=188
If you’re looking for some fun things to do for November….Here are some resources to fill the bill.
Oh Deann! I want that graphic about digital citizenship to hang on my wall. Are you selling it as a poster in your store? It’s fantastic! I love the term “Netiquette,” too. So many valuable teaching points in this article. Thank you, thank you!
Great tips, especially the one about considering your response to an online bully with compassion. Not just for kids! Love the THINK acronym! Thanks for another great post!
What a great post. There is something important in your message for both students and adults. The information is especially relevant in today’s turbulent times. Thank you.
I love that poster! Where can I get it? These are such great tips about digital citizenship; thank you!
Such a relevant topic! Thanks for so many great ideas, Deann!